从零开始的c++学习 3:[分支与循环]

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记录一下c++学习的步骤 : base on Course ‘CS205 C/C++ Program Design’ in 2021 Fall at Southern University of Science and Technology. | 视频

week03 : Branching and Looping Statements

基本的条件和循环跟python差不多, 只记录一下第一次见的

  1.  // ? : 三元操作符, 跟单行的if else 类似
     // `condition` ? `(if True)返回值` : `(if False)返回值`
     factor = isPositive ? 1 : -1;
     factor = (isPositive) * 2 - 1;
  2.  //goto.cpp 错误处理常用,其他场景少...
     float mysquare(float value)
         float result = 0.0f;
         if(value >= 1.0f || value <= 0)
             cerr << "The input is out of range." << endl;
             goto EXIT_ERROR;
         result = value * value;
         return result;
         //do sth such as closing files here
         return 0.0f;
  3.  //switch.cpp
     // 相当于goto, case 相当于一个label , Switch会跳转到label后按顺序往下执行(忽略case)
     // 所以要注意每个case 要break.
     switch (input_char)
         case 'a':
         case 'A':
             cout << "Move left." << endl;
         case 'd':
         case 'D':
             cout << "Move right." << endl;
             cout << "Undefined key." << endl;

Lab3 Exercises

1.Basic Linux command

# Demonstrate two Linux commends which are introduced previously and randomly 
# selected by the SA for 

#creating a directory
mkdir new_folder

#changing to another directory, 
cd new_folder

#listing the subdirectories and files in a certain directory
ls folder
ll folder

#removing files, 
rm -r new_folder

#copying and moving files.
cp lab3/new_folder lab3.5/new_folder

#moving files
mv lab3/new_folder lab3.5/new_folder
#include <iostream>
#include "functions.h"
using namespace std;

int main(){
    cout << "this is main:" << endl;
    cout << "this factorial of 5 is:" << factorial(5) << endl;
    return 0;

#include "functions.h"

int factorial(int n)
    if (n==1)
        return 1;
        return n * factorial(n - 1);

#include <iostream>
#include "functions.h"
using namespace std;

void print_hello()
    cout << "hello world!" << endl;

void print_hello();
int factorial(int n);
g++ -c main.cpp 
g++ -c factorial.cpp 
g++ -c printhello.cpp 
g++ factorial.o main.o printhello.o -o a.out

3.Run the following source code and explain the result. You need to explain the reason to a SA to pass the test.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	for(size_t n = 2; n >= 0; n--)   //size_t 是个无符号整数 n==0 时, 输出0, 此时n--, 由于无符号,此时n将会变成范围内最大的那个数
	cout << "n = " << n << " ";		 //故会一直循环打印整个size_t的范围
	return 0;

4.Run the following source code and explain the result. You need to explain the reason to a SA to pass the test

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int n = 5;
    int sum;
    while(n >0){                           //由于n初始化为5,while循环内没有改变n的值,所以这里会恒为True(死循环)
        sum += n;
        cout << "n = " << n << " ";
        cout << "sum = " << sum << " ";    // 会一直加五输出
return 0;

5. Run the following source code and explain the result. You need to explain the reason to a SA to pass the test.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int n,fa;
    // cout << "n = " << n << endl; --> 0
    // cout << "fa = " << fa << endl; --> 0
        fa *= n;
    }while(n <= 10);
    cout << "fa = " << fa << endl;  // --> 0
    return 0;
//由于n,fa没有初始化, 我的机器初始化为0, 
//fa = fa * n
//不论后面n怎么变, fa都是0,所以输出是0
//btw, n会从 0 ~ 11, 即先做do再判断while条件